Acupuncture originated over 2,500 years ago in China and is now used all over the world. Acupuncture concentrates on the electrical energy in the nervous system and organs. With Acupuncture, the placement of the fine hair-thin needles into specific points of the body can act like antennas and reprogram the body to a healthier state. Acupuncture has rapidly become an accepted treatment in alternative care in America, with over 35 states, including Virginia, regulating acupuncture as health care professionals. Some insurance companies cover acupuncture treatment. Call your insurance provider to see what coverage you may have as each plan varies.
How does it work?
With Chinese medicine, energy or life force call “Qi” flows through the body along 14 channels. When the “Qi” is blocked, the flow of energy is impaired, and can result in pain and illness. Placing needles at various points along the channel removes the blockage, allowing the “Qi” to flow and restore harmony between the body’s natural protective and pain-fighting systems. The immune system is boosted and pain-fighting endorphins and peptides are released during acupuncture treatment. Chinese medicine promotes the body’s ability to heal itself.
What kind of treatment is available?
Acupuncture, sometimes referred to as Traditional Chinese Medicine, comprises a full range of services. The acupuncturist conducts a complete physical examination with subsequent examinations as needed. Acupuncture and herbal therapy are key components of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture’s primary treatment with needles is the most common technique. Other modalities that may be used are: vitamins, dietary modification, herbal prescriptions, Qi gong, Reiki, Tui-na, Shiatsu, Moxubustion, and cupping.**
What conditions can be treated?
You can look forward to results for conditions such as: Headaches Chronic pain Back pain Depression PMS Stress Fibromyalgia Digestive problems Withdrawal problems associated with: smoking, drugs, and alcohol
Is there a conflict with Christian religions?
No, there is no religious aspect to Acupuncture. Please feel free to ask your acupuncturist any specific concerns you may have regarding this. The acupuncturist will be happy to discuss this with you in person.
Can I receive Acupuncture and regular "Western" treatment from my primary doctor?
Yes, "Eastern and Western" medicine can be very complimentary and integrative
Qi gong - Chinese breathing exercises, body postures and movements, and mental concentration, intended to maintain good health and control the flow of vital energy Tui-na – Chinese medical massage Shiatsu – Acupressure deep tissue massage Cupping – The pulling of toxins from the body via suction Moxibustion - A form of heat therapy